Tam Kung Birthday 2023 in Hong Kong
The Birthday of Tam Kung is a great chance to experience the rich culture and traditions of modern Hong Kong
Dates: May 26, 2023 (on hold)
Tam Kung was a boy who lived in ancient China and had magic powers to predict weather and even harness the wind and storms. He is usually portrayed as an 80-year-old man with the face of a 12-year-old child because he is believed to have achieved wisdom at a very young age. Nowadays his birthday is celebrated with considerable devotion and fanfare at the Tam Kung Temple in Shau Kei Wan on Hong Kong Island. There is a procession with the customary dragon and lion dances, acrobats and martial arts performers, and lots of drums and gongs to add to the fanfare—it is certainly a not to be missed event!
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Authors: Tetiana Lazorko