
Best season to travel to Laos

Exotic Fruits in Laos 2025

Get your dose of colour in Laos and try all the unique fruit!

Best time: April–July


Every region on Earth has its own specific fruits, which can look very weird, taste or smell very different, and bring various saturated colors to market shelves. Laos has plenty of unique local fruits as well, which are definitely worth trying. In the period from April till July, a big variety of bright fruits arrives in Lao markets.

First of all, comes longan. The Chinese version of its name means "dragon eye," because when the fruit is shelled it looks almost like a white eye with a black pupil. It is juicy and sweet. In May creamy mangoes and extremely sweet mangosteens are harvested. Afterwards, lychees and rambutans flood the markets. Lychees are both sour and sweet, and spunky rambutan is sweet, mildly acidic, and very hairy.

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