
Best time to travel to Myanmar

Birdwatching in Myanmar 2024-2025

This unspoiled country provides the kind of subjects most wildlife photographers can only dream about, including rare tropical birds

Best time: September–April

Eastern Sarus Cranes
Slaty-backed Flycatcher
Blue-throated Flycatcher

Myanmar is part of the East Asia Australian flyway for millions of birds who leave their home in September-October and set off to warmer lands. Its wetlands, namely Irrawaddy delta, are especially rich in migrating birds from the end of the rainy season.

Many of the waders make their way to the paddy plains; it is also one of the last refuges of the Eastern Sarus Crane. The Chin Hills has the cool climate and rich bird fauna of some 200 species.

The Shan Plateau, especially Pyin Oo Lwin, was known to have a particularly diverse bird fauna in its oak and chestnut forests. One of the best areas to see migrating birds is Inle Lake. Northern Kachin and Sagaing Division is another area of outstanding natural beauty and wildlife interest.

Over 470 bird species were recorded there, which includes Eastern White and Spot-billed pelicans, White-winged ducks, Asian paradise flycatchers, Mountain Imperial Pigeons, and a number of rare and beautiful pheasants. Moyungyi wetland is another famous bird sanctuary—the best and most accessible site around Yangon.

Practical info

When is the best season to watch birds in Myanmar?

The recommended season to observe birds in Myanmar is between September and April, when millions of birds migrate to Myanmar for the warmer season. Wetlands such as the Irrawaddy delta are particularly rich in birdlife from the end of the rainy season. In addition, Northern Kachin and Sagaing Division also offer excellent natural beauty and wildlife attractions for bird enthusiasts.

Which areas should birdwatchers visit in Myanmar?

Myanmar has a variety of picturesque locations that provide excellent birdwatching opportunities. Some of the best regions for birdwatching are Irrawaddy Delta, Chin Hills, Shan Plateau, Inle Lake, Northern Kachin and Sagaing Division, and Moyungyi Wetland. These locations offer a wide variety of birds, including migratory species and native birds who can be observed in their natural habitats.

What bird species are present in Myanmar during the migratory season?

Myanmar has a diverse selection of bird species, including Eastern White and Spot-billed pelicans, White-winged ducks, Asian paradise flycatchers, Mountain Imperial Pigeons, and various rare and beautiful pheasants. Migratory birds can also be seen in significant numbers from September to April, including rare tropical birds and several species of waders, such as the Eastern Sarus Crane.

Which rare bird species live in Myanmar?

Myanmar is home to various rare and endangered bird species, including the Eastern Sarus Crane, which is one of the few remaining places you can find them. The Blyth’s Tragopan is another rare and elusive bird found in Northern Kachin and Sagaing Division. This region is home to over 470 bird species and is considered to have a rich, diverse, and fascinating bird fauna.

Are Myanmar's bird sanctuaries easily accessible to birdwatchers?

Yes, several bird sanctuaries in Myanmar are easily accessible to birdwatchers, providing a delightful experience. The Moyungyi Wetland is one of the most famous and most accessible bird sanctuaries in Yangon. Additionally, transportation such as buses or taxis can easily transport bird enthusiasts to other birdwatching locations in Myanmar, such as Inle Lake, Northern Kachin and Sagaing Division, and the Shan Plateau.

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