
Best time to travel to Myanmar

Hlawga National Park in Myanmar 2025-2026

A great display of Myanmar nature is available at Hlawga National Park in Yangon!

Best time: November–February

Due to its diverse wildlife and activities, Hlawga National Park is a great place for a day trip. The park is located 22 miles north of Yangon yet driving from Yangon takes around one and a half hours due to traffic and twisting roads. The Hlawga National Park was established back in 1982 as an environmental education center and currently serves as a popular day-trip destination for Yangonites, eco-tourists, and run-of-the-mill travellers. It was meant to not only house a collection of Burmese indigenous wildlife but to protect the forests and flora of the Hlawga Lake.

Best time to visit the Park is between November to February, because it's not a hot summer and out of the rainy season.

The Hlawga National Park is a home to various types of deer, rhesus monkeys, pythons, and pangolins. Here the mini-zoo features animals such as small mammals, birds, monkeys, bears and crocodiles, tigers, and leopards. For those into ornithology, resident and migratory birds are abundant inside the park.

You may spot the jungle fowl, red-vented bulbul, lesser whistling duck, Asian Openbill Stork, black-crowned night heron, and white-throated babbler and so on. It's the best place for families with children. Other than the walk-through zoo and drive-through safari, visitors can hitch an elephant ride through the park, hike on jungle trails, boat on the lake, and go bird watching. Picnic areas are located throughout the park where you can dine and take in the sights and sounds of the Hlawga National Park. You can also rent a hut or chalet.

Practical info

External resources

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