
Best season to travel to Honduras

Rambutan in Honduras 2025-2026

Rambutan is a sweet and sour fruit, quite pleasant with a bright scent

Best time: August–December

Maybe, the best fruit you've ever tried in Honduras is rambutan! You need only break them open and find the tasty white-fleshed fruit. Rambutan is an evergreen, fairly tall plant usually about 10 meters high, but sometimes higher. It grows in well-moistened, fertile soil, and grows rather slowly only bearing fruit after 8-9 years. This fruit is available only in dry subtropics. In Honduras, it grows well only on the north coast, especially along the road between El Progreso and La Ceiba. While the harvesting season lasts (August–December), you can buy Rambutan at all of the local markets and supermarkets of the country.

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