
Best season to travel to Valencia

Oranges in Valencia 2025-2026

Blossom season or picking season, orange trees look amazing all year long

Best time: December–February

Spain is generally known as the world’s largest exporter of oranges. Valencian community is among the biggest in Spain when it comes to orange production and export, which is why it is called “The Orchard of Spain.” This part of the country has a perfect Mediterranean climate and fertile soil for growing oranges, so they are available almost whole year around.

As the temperatures decrease, it is time to boost your immune system with a dose of vitamins, especially vitamin C, so there is no better place like Valencia. Valencia's oranges usually range in size from medium to large as well as in shape, from round to oval. Its rind is thin and golden with the tender, juicy flesh underneath.

Also, Valencian oranges differ from those grown in other regions of Spain because they are really sweet. This variety of orange is the sweetest because of staying on the tree longer, so naturally absorbing more of splendid sunshine and natural sugars. The excellent internal color and an unforgettable taste of these oranges make it desirable for the numerous fresh fruit markets. Moreover, Valencia's oranges bring benefits because of the flavonoids and vitamin C that they contain.

They are picked from the beginning of December until the end of February.

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