
Best season to travel to Zanzibar

Tamarind in Zanzibar 2025

This typical African fruit is used in many cuisines around the world in sauces, marinades, chutneys, drinks, and desserts

Best time: May–June

Tamarinds are an interesting delicacy that is used around the world and can be found in Zanzibar. This is a huge evergreen tree that produces large bean-like pods with a fibrous pulp filled with seeds. It is not necessary to eat the green bean because they are still sour. The ripe fruit is much sweeter, though with a bit of sourness too. Inside, the Tamarind's pulp is like a paste. Some chefs add it as a component to the famous Worcestershire sauce. The maturing of Tamarind in Zanzibar lasts from late spring to early summer. After harvesting, you should store them in a refrigerator.

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