
Best season to travel to Boston

Clams in Boston 2025

Clams come fresh, steamed, baked, fried, breaded, and in clam chowder—one has no excuse to abstain from this divine delight

Best time: June–September

When summer comes to Boston, people start feasting on clams. New England steamers are the most popular seasonal speciality in the city. One of the best ways to enjoy seafood season is to join an outdoor clambake party: clams are baked or steamed in a pit of heated stones and covered with a layer of seaweed. Fried clams along with lobster rolls are offered in small clam cafes known as clam shacks, which can be mostly found in the waterfront districts along the coast. Boston also boasts the most gen​uine clam chowder without tomato sauce. Anyone preferring​ fresh clams can buy some at the old downtown Haymarket which has been operating in Boston since colonial days.

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