
Best season to travel to The Netherlands

Zeeland Mussels in The Netherlands 2024-2025

Zeeland is famous for two things - lobsters and mussels. Now is the time for mussels!

Best time: July–mid-April

The "black gold" of Zeeland province, mussels grown in Easter Scheldt are most famous throughout Europe. These little guys are very rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, as well as in taste! Traditionally, the r​ule of thumb is to eat mussels during the months with letter "R", but for Dutch this extends to seasons with letter "R": zomer (summer), herfst (autumn) and winter. Typical mussels dish includes a mussels pan with fries and bread with several sauces. The most famous "mussels" villages are Yerseke, Bruinisse and Philippine.

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