
Best time to visit Buenos Aires

Fishing (Angling) in Buenos Aires Lagoons 2024-2025

A beautiful tropical climate, a large number of reservoirs, and stormy vegetation make fishing in Buenos Aires wonderful

Best time: December–August

Fishing in Laguna De Los Padres, Buenos Aires

Winter fishing is very popular in Buenos Aires. Hundreds of anglers can be found on the city's waterfront in anticipation of a large haul. After all, for many people fishing is not just a hobby but a source of food. From the shore, one can search for dorados (golden fish), piranhas, or wolf fish.

If you want to fish on board motor boats, you have a chance to catch carp, mojarras, catfish, and kingfish. But most of all fans of winter fishing can be found on the many lagoons near the city. There you can fish not only from the shore but also by boat.

The most suitable fishing spots in Buenos Aires area are Chascomús, Lobos, San Miguel del Monte, Salada Grande de Madariaga, Blanca Grande, Hinojo Grande, and Sauce Grande. All these lagoons have easy access to the water that makes for excellent silverside fisheries. Bogas, surubis (tiger shovelnose catfish), wolf fish, and common carp can be caught there.

Fishing for pejerrey in Buenos Aires lagoons it permitted between December and August. Thus, it's the best time for angling in the area.

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