Best time to travel to Niagara Falls

Grape (Wine) Harvest in Niagara Falls 2024

The arrival of fall is a busy time for Niagara wineries

Best time: September–October

Grape (Wine) Harvest
Grape (Wine) Harvest
Grape (Wine) Harvest

Weather is a crucial factor for the grape harvest. Some grape vines are heartier than the others, and these can remain further into the season without being threatened by frost. Grapes are collected by mechanical harvesters or hand-picked. The first method is undoubtedly faster, but many viticulturists say you cannot replace the human touch with a machine. Wineries of Niagara On The Lake use both of these techniques and get over 180 tons of grape harvest!

September to October is typically the busiest period for Niagara On The Lake wineries, depending on ripeness of the grape. This is measured by the acid, sugar, and tannin levels. You can observe the harvest and enjoy beautiful fall weather outside as well as taste the wine from previous years.

Practical info

When should someone plan their visit to Niagara Falls to see the grape harvest?

The grape harvest at Niagara Falls occurs mostly between September and October, depending on the grape's ripeness. The optimal time to visit would be in the cool and less humid months of autumn, where tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature and the taste of a variety of wine in the area. Show more

How do experts determine if the grapes are ripe for the harvest?

Measuring the levels of acid, sugar, and tannin in the grapes is how experts determine if they are at their ripest for harvesting. This method is essential in choosing the harvest's ideal timing to ensure that the quality of wine production is of the highest standard. Show more

What are the main differences between the mechanical and hand-picking methods for harvesting grapes?

Mechanical harvesting is a faster, yet less precise process, potentially damaging or selecting unripe grapes that may not produce the best wine quality. On the other hand, hand-picking the grapes is a traditional, more meticulous method, selecting only fully ripened grapes, resulting in superior quality wine production. Show more

Where in Niagara-on-the-Lake can people get a view of the grape harvesting process?

Witnessing the grape harvesting process is possible in Niagara-on-the-Lake's wineries and on the wine route. Many of the local wineries offer tours and packages that provide an opportunity to gain insight into the different steps in wine production, including grape harvesting. Peller Estates Winery is a well-known winery that hosts grape harvesting events and grape-stomping ceremonies during the harvesting season. Show more

What is the average quantity of annual grape harvest for Niagara-on-the-Lake wineries?

Annually, wineries in Niagara-on-the-Lake receive over 180 tons of grape harvests to create their wines, making it a significant contributor to wine production in Canada. The amount varies each year, greatly influenced by weather conditions, season, and grape quality. The quality grapes and subsequent high-quality wine produced in the region make it famous beyond Canada's borders. Show more

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