Best time to travel to Tanzania

Wildebeest Calving in Serengeti, Tanzania 2025

Check out this amazing opportunity to see tens of thousands of wildebeests calves being born at the same time. See the struggle of protecting mothers and hunting predators as the harmony of the circle of life unfolds on the plains of Tanzania

Best time: January–February

Wildebeest Calving in Serengeti
Wildebeest Calving in Serengeti
Wildebeest Calving in Serengeti

Visiting Tanzania is always an adventure, but there are several occasions which make this experience truly unforgettable. While the main season runs during the dry period from June till October, other months also have special opportunities to offer.

One of the most exciting period runs from January through February when thousands of wildebeests give birth. If you are planning your trip right at the same time go to the Serengeti National Park, and you'll have a great chance to witness thousands of newborn wildebeests and their mothers.

This is probably one of the greatest spectacles of the Serengeti. Together with a huge number of calves, lots of predators are also eager and hiding in high grasses and waiting for the perfect chance to grab an easy meal. Thus, you'll also see lots of lions, hyenas, and cheetahs.

Female wildebeest sense the danger and head to the short grass plains where they create a live barrier to protect the calves and birthing mothers from the predators. The whole scene is something beautiful to witness and as always balance is restored to nature.

Practical info

When is the best time to see wildebeest calving in the Serengeti?

The short rains in Tanzania, from January to February, is the ideal period to witness tens of thousands of wildebeest calves being born. Africa's most incredible natural event, wildebeest calving, is unforgettable, as females give birth to their young within a short time. Visitors will see the newborn wildebeests walking their first steps while experiencing the natural drama of predators hunting them. Show more

Where is the best place to witness the wildebeest calving in Tanzania?

The Serengeti National Park is northern Tanzania's park and hosts the wildebeest calving annually. The park's southern part boasts short-grass plains that attract wildebeest mothers for their newborns' birth. With the spectacle of the newborn events and predators hunting, witnessing wildebeest calving is an unforgettable and emotional experience. Show more

What other predators can be seen during the wildebeest calving period?

Besides the major predators that range from lions to hyenas and cheetahs, a visitor might encounter other predators. For instance, jackals, leopards, and wild dogs are often present during the wildebeest calving season. Although such carnivorous predators might be harmful, targeting weak animals, they play an essential ecological role in maintaining natural equilibrium. Show more

How do the female wildebeests protect their calves from predators during the calving period?

Wildebeest females have evolved unique strategies of birthing in unison, forming the safety-in-numbers protection strategy. During the calving season, predators focus on targeting the vulnerable newborns, and hiding them in the middle of the herd is the mothers' strategy. If provoked, mother wildebeests defend their newborns by using horns to kick predators away. Show more

What are the other tourist attractions in Tanzania aside from the wildebeest calving in the Serengeti?

Tanzania is a land full of nature and culture that captures the interest of tourists. Mount Kilimanjaro, which is the highest peak in Africa, offers an exciting mountain trekking adventure, while the Ngorongoro Crater is home to unique African wildlife. As Zanzibar's ancient Stone Town reveals the Swahili culture of the Indian ocean trade, Selous Game Reserve offers wildlife sightings of rare species and more prominent creatures like elephants and lions. Show more

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