Best time to visit Alaska

Arctic Ocean Ice Road in Alaska 2024-2025

In Alaska winter also means more mobility. An Ocean Ice Road in Prudhoe Bay is one of those unique highways which operate only during the cold season

Best time: December–March

For a few months each winter the Prudhoe Bay in Alaska turns into an ice road over the Arctic Ocean. The road goes from the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Point Thomson, Alaska and is about 109 km long. The maximum speed you can drive with is only 16 km/h.

The road over the Beaufort Sea is mainly used by semi-trucks to deliver various loads to Point Thomson. Being one of the largest oil fields on the continent, Prudhoe Bay needs the ice road to ensure the important deliveries. There is also a seasonal ice road, from the Kuparuk Oil Field to the Alpine oil field, which can’t be driven during summer months. It is almost 50 km long.

The season for this unique activity starts in December and lasts till the end of March.

Practical info

When can the Arctic Ocean Ice Road in Prudhoe Bay be accessed?

Access to the Arctic Ocean Ice Road in Prudhoe Bay is only available from December to the end of March. During this period, the ice freezes, and becomes thick enough for vehicles to traverse the area safely. However, it is inaccessible at other times, preventing its use for transportation. Show more

What is the distance between Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson on the Arctic Ocean Ice Road?

The ice road that connects Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson on Beaufort Sea is roughly 109 km long. Designed primarily for semi-trucks, this route allows for the transportation of various supplies to Point Thomson. The ice path connecting the Kuparuk Oil Field to the Alpine oil field is also operational, and its total distance is around 50 km. Show more

What is the maximum speed of vehicles allowed on the Arctic Ocean Ice Road in Alaska?

Vehicles traveling on the Arctic Ocean Ice Road in Alaska cannot exceed 16km/h. Since the icy terrain doesn't provide much traction, it is important to prioritize the safety of drivers and avoid accidents by following this speed limit. Exceeding the maximum speed limit is highly discouraged, and could lead to great harm due to the slippery and hazardous nature of the road. Show more

What are the locations at either end of the Arctic Ocean Ice Road, which travels to Point Thomson?

The Arctic Ocean Ice Road connects Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson, both of which are situated in Alaska. Although operational only for a few months each year, this vital transportation link accommodates the needs of these locations by enabling the transportation of necessary supplies and materials. The Arctic Ocean Ice Road ensures supplies can be delivered to Prudhoe Bay, which accommodates one of the largest oil fields in North America. Show more

How does the Arctic Ocean Ice Road benefit Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson?

The Arctic Ocean Ice Road is a critical means of transportation for Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson. It provides an important link between the two locations, enabling the delivery of essential supplies to Prudhoe Bay throughout the winter season, which hosts one of the largest oil fields in North America. The ice road helps ensure that these supplies, such as equipment and fuel, can be effectively delivered to both areas, which rely on them for operational purposes. Show more

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