Best time to visit Corsica

Snorkelling and Diving in Corsica 2025

Corsican marine life is rich and diverse attracting both professional and amateur divers

Best time: March–April

Snorkelling and Diving
Snorkelling and Diving
Snorkelling and Diving
Snorkelling and Diving
Snorkelling and Diving

Underwater Corsica is interesting for its landscape. You can explore some canyons and rock formations and admire its abundance of fauna. Because there is little pollution in Corsica, you can still see some rare fish species here. Encounter sharks, eels, tuna, and even turtles. Near Calvi divers can explore a World War II bomber and a sunken yacht.

Practical info

What are some unique marine species that are found in Corsica?

Corsica is known for its diverse marine ecosystem, home to various exotic creatures such as blacktip and grey sharks, merou, groupers, and moray eels. Divers can also see colorful underwater fauna like red coral, starfish, and sponges. It's a popular destination for ocean explorers and scuba divers alike due to its unique and fascinating wildlife that cannot be found in continental European coastlines. Show more

What is the best time to plan a diving trip in Corsica?

The best time to plan a diving trip in Corsica is between March and April, mainly because of the milder climate, greater visibility, and calmer sea conditions during this period. The water temperature averages between 55°F to 64°F. Corsica follows strict marine conservation regulations to maintain its underwater environment, so the water is clear and clean all throughout the year, minus the strong winds that usually occur in summers that affect visibility. Show more

What kind of underwater landscape can divers see in Corsica?

Corsica's underwater landscape is unlike any other, thanks to its unique terrain characterized by channels, canyons, and rocky reefs. The island's seabed, made up of pink granite boulders, sand deposits, features captivating underwater caves, formations, and a thriving marine life underwater like nowhere else in the world. Divers can witness numerous marine flora and fauna, such as colorful sea anemones, sea sponges, and several species of fish that call this place their home. Show more

Where can tourist divers explore sunken war artifacts in Corsica?

Corsica's naval history dates back to World War II when it was a significant harbor for the US Navy. Tourist divers can explore the sunken remains of warships like the M-5336 bomber in Calvi Bay and a B-17 bomber in Ajaccio. These wrecks provide shelter to several fish species and small marine creatures, making them an even more alluring destination for adventurous divers looking to explore Corsica's deep historic roots. Show more

How does the lack of pollution in Corsica affect diving experiences?

Corsica's stringent marine conservation regime is the very reason why it remains one of the most sought-after diving destinations. The lack of pollution means that its underwater environment is flourishing, with undamaged and vibrant seabed flora and fauna that provide a beautiful backdrop for divers. The clear, unpolluted water enhances the diving experience, and divers can enjoy better visibility of marine life and underwater terrain, unmatched anywhere in the world. Show more

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