Best time to travel to Israel

White Stork Migration in Israel 2024

The September farewell flights over the European countryside are for the lucky ones, but recovery breaks in Israel's wetlands is a sure thing to see

Best time: March–April | October–November

White Stork Migration
White Stork Migration

Since long-long ago the European countryside has been home to white storks. They have always been in friendly relations with local country folk and nested close to people's homes on various pillars. If not for the cold, the birds could stay there forever, but frosty winters force them to leave. The storks are at home from late spring to early autumn; then they fly away together with their young. Lucky farmers living in European villages see the flocks gathering in the skies over fields in September for the last nostalgic flight over the native lands before they set off to the strange areas, namely, to India and Africa.

Migratory routes vary, but one of the greatest spots to witness migrating white storks is in the Israeli wetlands where the birds make a pause to feed for the rest of their journey. Stork watching hotspots featuring tens of thousands of birds include Lake Hula in the north of Israel, Eilat salt marshes in the south, and around Nitzana in the western part of Negev Desert. The storks take a break in Israel on their way south between October and November, and then also on their way back north between March and April.

Practical info

When can one observe white stork migration in Israel?

Between October and November and between March and April, visitors can witness the white stork migration in Israel, as the storks take a break in the wetlands to rest and feed. However, migratory routes do vary, so arrival times in Israel may differ. These are the best periods for observing stork migration in Israel. Show more

What are some prime locations to observe white stork migration in Israel?

Lake Hula, Eilat salt marshes, and Nitzana in the western Negev desert are three of Israel's best hotspots for observing white stork migration. Tens of thousands of storks can be seen pausing to feed and rest in these areas along the migratory route, making it a great spot for bird enthusiasts hoping to catch sight of these birds. Other migratory bird species can also be sighted. Show more

How abundant are white storks during peak migration season in Israel?

Tens of thousands of white storks can be seen during peak migration season at Israel's stork watching hotspots. This exceptional sight of massive numbers of white storks, resting, flying, and feeding, draws bird enthusiasts and nature lovers to these spots during the migration season. Several factors, including weather conditions, time of year, and location, can affect the count of white storks present. Show more

Besides white storks, what other bird species can bird enthusiasts spot during migration season in Israel?

Aside from white storks, Israel's wetlands serve as a resting and feeding point for other bird species during migration season, such as pelicans, cranes, eagles, and black storks. Bird enthusiasts can view these and other species along the migratory routes at the hotspots. The stork watching hotspots are quite spectacular, and visitors can watch the migration for extended periods. Show more

Are all of the bird watching hotspots in Israel available for visitors to access, or are some areas prohibited?

With the exception of nature reserves, most of Israel's stork watching hotspots are open to visitors. Tourists without guides can explore some of the hotspots individually, but guided tours are required for entrance to the reserve areas. Visitors must follow a code of conduct to protect the environment from damage caused by birdwatching activities in these hotspots. Show more

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