
Best time to visit Fiji

Tuna Fishing Season in Fiji 2024-2025

Big schools of tuna inhabit the reefs making game-fishing more exciting

Best time: January–April | July–September

Big schools of yellowfin tuna appear in Fijian waters twice a year. Usually they enter the passages from January to April and from July to September. Ranging in size from 5 to 15kg, they can be fished on light trolling tackle and spinning gear. For much bigger tuna (25-40 kg) anglers usually use serious bends—the heaviest rods.

Large Dogtooth Tuna is an unusual fish you can encounter close to the barrier reef. It is a very big and tough fish. Adults can reach up to 150kg. But anglers catch much smaller fish on bait (up to 20-30 kg). Usually, they are found near the Kadavu Seamount in Fiji. Though the Dogtooth Tuna is considered a tuna and has much in common with it, this is not a member of tuna family in fact. This species is more aggressive and often terrorizes small fish. For catching, the deepwater jigging methods are best used. The ideal season for the Dogtooth Tuna fishing is from December to May.

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