Best time to visit Guatemala

Swimming at Finca el Paraíso in Guatemala 2025

The blend of a hot waterfall and a chilly river can harden your body and calm your mind

Best time: February–May

Swimming at Finca el Paraíso

Finca El Paraíso can satisfy the whims of the most capricious tourists: those who say that the Rio Dulce is too chilly to swim can opt for any of hot waterfalls where water temperatures may reach 40 °C. An ideal spot to soak can be found where the hot spring waterfalls flow into the cool river waters turning it into pleasantly warm basin perfect for relaxing. The waterfalls are located on the north side of Lake Izabal, about 2 km from the bus stop. The area offers even more adventure—you can also explore dark caves found right above the waterfalls. The dark tunnels are filled with water, so the only way to discover the area is to swim through the caves so be sure to keep a flashlight in a watertight bag. Further attractions include the Castillo de San Felipe—a medieval castle once used to keep British pirates at bay. Lago Izabal and Boqueron Canyon located around Finca El Paraíso are also well worth exploring. The best time to visit this location is February through May, ​which offers the most favourable weather conditions with pleasant temperatures and little rain.

Practical info

When should visitors plan their trip to Finca El Paraíso?

The ideal time to visit Finca El Paraíso is from February to May when the weather is pleasant, and there is little to no rain. During this peak tourist season, visitors can expect higher prices, but the experience is worth it. Show more

Where are Finca El Paraíso's hot waterfalls located?

At Finca El Paraíso, the hot waterfalls can be found approximately 2 km from the bus stop on the north side of Lake Izabal. Visitors can reach the waterfalls by hiking or boating along Río Dulce. While at the falls, guests are surrounded by lush jungle vegetation, making for an unforgettable experience. Show more

What is the temperature of the water at Finca El Paraíso's hot waterfalls?

The hot waterfalls at Finca El Paraíso provide a warm basin with water temperatures that can reach 40°C. This natural combination of hot and cold water creates an enjoyable and memorable swimming experience. The warm temperature is perfect for relaxing, dissolving stress, and easing body ailments in a serene natural setting. Show more

What activities besides swimming can visitors do at Finca El Paraíso?

Finca El Paraíso offers visitors an array of activities throughout the year. The Boqueron Canyon and Lago Izabal are great places to explore, as is the medieval Castillo de San Felipe. For those looking for adventure, scuba diving, kayaking, and hiking are popular activities in the Rio Dulce area. Visitors can also boat to Livingston, a Garifuna town famous for its cuisine and culture. Show more

How can you get to the caves near the waterfalls in Finca El Paraíso?

The only way to reach the caves near Finca El Paraíso's waterfalls is by swimming through a tunnel filled with water. Waterproof containers are crucial for visitors to protect personal belongings, and flashlights are necessary to navigate the caves' darkness. This adventure is only for experienced swimmers and thrill-seekers who want a unique and exciting experience. Show more

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