
Best season to travel to India

Litchi (Lychee) in India 2025

Discover the unique taste of the juicy Asian 'apple'

Best time: May–June

Litchi (or lychee) fruit was brought to India in the 17th century. In Asia, this fruit is as popular as apples among Westerners. The harvest occurs in May and June (in some areas up to July), with the most prolific batch coming in early June.

Litchi is a one-seeded nut with very juicy, sweet pulp reminiscent of a pear or grapes by taste, and its fragrance is floral and musky. Although it is mostly eaten fresh, sometimes it is also juiced. Sun-dried and oven-dried litchi are also popular and resemble raisins. By the way, litchi can be frozen, which makes its usage much more convenient and economical.

Litchi requires a frost-free tropical climate that is not below the temperature of 25 °F (-4 °C). These fruits also need high summer heat, humidity, and rainfall. Growth is best on slightly acidic soils rich in organic mulch and matter. Raw litchi fruit is 82% water, 17% carbohydrates, 1% protein as well as some negligible fat.

Litchi is famous for its anti-cancer properties, keeps digestion strong, helps to reduce weight, and protects the skin. But, these are not its only health-benefits. Litchi is an excellent source of Vitamin C, rich in dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which makes this fruit almost almighty.

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