Pink Cyclamen in Cyprus 2026
These tiny fragrant flowers are national symbols of Cyprus
Best time: January–February
In 2006 Cyprus chose Cyclamen cyprium as the national flower of the country. This species of cyclamen is endemic and can be found across the entire territory except for the central plateau.
Cyprus cyclamens grow at altitudes from 300 to 1200 m and bloom only during rainy seasons. The best time to look for pink and white carpets of heart-shaped petals would usually last from January to February.
One of the most beautiful places to enjoy cyclamens in Cyprus are the rocky foothills above the Baths of Aphrodite, where blooming carpets flow down from the top, opening a great view of the sea.
You might also encounter other kinds of cyclamen in Cyprus such as Cyclamen persicum and Cyclamen graecum, but they are not endemic, yet as beautiful as the Cyprus cyclamen.