Best time to visit Fiji

Scuba Diving in Fiji 2024

Jean Michel Cousteau called Fiji the “soft coral capital of the world” for a reason

Best time: April–October

Scuba Diving

Rich in colourful reef ecosystems, Fiji's waters are a real paradise for divers. Diving in Fiji can offer not only the beauty of marine ecosystems with more than 390 coral species, around 1200 fish species, and lots of wild mammals, but also turquoise lagoons, deep caverns, canyons, and incredible shark encounters.

The most popular dive site is the Great Sea Reef, Fiji’s largest Barrier Reef and the third largest barrier reef in the world. Other interesting diving areas include Bligh Waters (a good destination for a coral reef safari), Great Astrolabe Reef in Kadavu (famous coral garden with manta rays), Beqa Barrier Reef (the ""Mecca"" of Pacific diving), the Shark Reef Marine Reserve in Pacific Harbour (famous for sharks).

Most visitors prefer to dive during the winter season—from April to October. The season offers dry weather and the best visibility. In fact, you can dive around Fiji all year, but December through March is not recommended for possible hurricanes. No matter what season you dive, you'll discover Fiji as an underwater naturalist’s dream.

Practical info

What are some of Fiji's popular dive locations?

Fiji is a top diving destination with reefs full of colorful and diverse ecosystems. Some of the popular dive locations include the Great Sea Reef, Bligh Waters, Great Astrolabe Reef, Beqa Barrier Reef, and Shark Reef Marine Reserve. These sites offer different experiences, including coral gardens with manta rays and impressive shark encounters, suitable for adventurous and curious divers to have a fun-filled trip. Show more

What marine life is found in Fiji?

Fiji's waters are abundant in marine life with over 1200 fish species, more than 390 coral species, and wild mammals such as manta rays, dolphins, and dugongs. The soft coral that grows on reefs is the highlight of diving in Fiji, giving divers the chance to experience a colourful underwater landscape that is unmatched worldwide. Show more

When is the optimal time to scuba dive in Fiji?

The best time to dive in Fiji is from April to October, during the dry season that offers the clearest visibility. Divers experience a comfortable water temperature ranging from 25-29°C with reduced plankton and algae growth, the optimal diving conditions. Diving in Fiji is possible all year round, but from November to March, the rainy season brings high humidity levels, cyclones, and hurricanes that can affect a diving trip. Show more

What distinguishes the Great Astrolabe Reef, and where is it located?

Off the coast of Kadavu, in the Southern Islands, the Great Astrolabe Reef stands out as the world's fourth-largest barrier reef. The reef boasts an extensive range of unspoiled coral gardens and breathtaking underwater scenery, including swim-throughs and caverns. Visitors to the reef will be pleased with the high concentration of manta rays and over 1000 species of fish, making it a unique spot for diving and snorkelling enthusiasts. Show more

What diving precautions should we take while in Fiji during the summer season?

Diving in Fiji's summer months (November to March) can be challenging because of increased humidity levels and the possibility of cyclones. Divers should monitor weather reports and seek advice from diving guides for guidance. Cyclone protection coverage is essential as part of dive insurance to cover for missed dives. Also, divers must have different dive plans, even considering more sheltered dive sites, restrict their depth, and avoid diving alone for a safer experience while diving in Fiji during the summer season. Show more

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