Best time to travel to Estonia

Wildflowers in Estonia 2024

Wonderful wildflowers cover Estonia's landscape in spring and summer

Best time: mid-March–August


Estonia's rich soil is bestrewn by various species of wildflowers. Starting from early March in meadows, forests, and parks you can find thousands of signs of spring. Among them Liverleaf, Wood Anemone, Wonder Violet, Dwarf Milkwort, Cuckoo Flower, and many others. Dry meadows are full of Kidney Vetch, Bird’s Eye Primroses, and Globe Flowers. In May you will be able to see orchids, such as the Military Orchid, Early Purple Orchid, Fly Orchid, Lady’s Slip-per, etc. Bog Rosemary, Labrador Tea and Cranberry can be found in full bloom in Estonian bogs.

The peak of wild plants and flowers bloom in June and July. In coastal areas, you can find Swallow Wort, Herb Robert, and Woolly Milk Vetch. You can see meadows covered by Danzig Vetch, Smooth Tare, and Wood Vetch. Orchid species at this time are represented by Marsh Helleborine, Broad-leaved Helleborine, Dark-red Helleborine, Musk Orchid, and Bog Twayblade. Estonia's forest beauty is captured by Twinflower, Green-flowered Wintergreen, and One-flowered Wintergreen. In bogs, you can see Cloudberry, Bladderwort, Sundew and Alpine Butterwort. If you like picking wild flowers or just observing their beautiful blossom, summer is the best time to come.

Practical info

When is the best time to visit Estonia to see wildflowers?

Estonia blossoms with wildflowers from mid-March to August, with the blooming season peaking in June and July. The orchids, marsh helleborine, and smooth tare are some of the flowers that can be seen in full bloom during this time. While visiting in August, you can still witness the orchids and other wildflowers that continue to bloom. So, to see the full bloom of Estonia's wildflowers, it's best to plan your visit in the beginning of summers. Show more

Where can I find the best spots to see wildflowers in Estonia?

Lahemaa National Park, Kõrvemaa Nature Reserve, Matsalu National Park, and Island of Saaremaa have some of the exquisite spots that offer wildflower sightings in Estonia. The season of blooming flowers starts from spring to summer and can be witnessed across the meadows, forests, bogs, and coastal areas of Estland. A guided tour helps reach the most magnificent spots with expert guidance, making the excursion a lot more worthwhile. Show more

What types of wildflowers are unique to Estonia?

Estonia's thriving ecosystem supports over 1440 varieties of wildflowers. The country has a diverse range of species of wildflowers- top among which are the orchids with over 45 species found here. Some of the rarest species of orchids found in Estonia include Lady's Slipper Orchid, Large White Orchid, Calypso Orchid, and Moonwort. Different regions of Estonia have unique wildflower habitats conducive of a broad variety of species, which makes exploring its varied terrain a unique experience. Show more

When is the peak blooming season for wildflowers in Estonia?

Estonia's wildflowers bloom at their peak from June to July, adorning the meadows and forests with colorful species like marsh helleborine, broad-leaved helleborine, and dark-red helleborine. The coastal regions, parks, and bogs of Estland contribute to the diverse range of species of wildflowers too. Blooming starts from mid-March and can continue till August, depending on the species that thrive in Estonia's ecosystem. Show more

Are there any regulations on picking wildflowers in Estonia?

Estonian Government laws protect rare and endangered species of wildflowers that blossom in the country. Picking or damaging these flowers in their natural habitat is illegal, and appropriate fines are imposed on violators. Though there are permitted species for picking wildflowers, it is sensible to stay clear of picking them altogether. It is recommended to communicate with guides or locals before picking anything while venturing out in the wilds of Estonia. Show more

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