
Best time to travel to Portugal

Almond Tree Blossom in Portugal 2025

Almond trees blossom is marked with folklore festivals and special tours along Almond tree route

Best time: late February–early March

Portugal is among top almond producers in Europe. These trees mostly grow in the Douro region as well as in Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Mogadouro, Torre de Moncorvo and Vila Nova de Foz Côa regions, which are part of the official Almond Blossom Route. When almond trees cover in bloom in the middle of February, these regions organise various festivities to celebrate this beautiful nature phenomenon.

Upper Douro Fair and the Flavours and Taste celebrations take place in Freixo de Espada à Cinta with regional and traditional Iberian handicrafts. In Mogadouro, the fair also begins at the end of February. The festivities run through March marked by folklore festivals all over the Almond Tree Route. Cycling and horseback riding tours are offered for visitors to observe almond tree valley​s.

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