
Best time to go to Mallorca

Dijous Bo Fair 2021 in Mallorca

For two days the city of Inca turns into the capital of Mallorca because of its liveliness, noise, and great number of people

Dates: canceled in 2020

Mallorcan black pigs

Inca is the third largest city in Mallorca. It is called the "leather city" for the huge variety of leather goods produced there. But while these goods can be found in Inca any time, there is one event which happens only for two days and cannot be missed.

Dijous Bo is an enormous fair which gathers thousands of people in Inca. It is translated from Catalan as "Good Thursday" and its origins come from the 19th century agricultural market. Today Dijous Bo is held on the fourth Wednesday and Thursday after the feast of St. Luke (18th October). The whole city turns into a massive market with over 700 stalls along more than 40 streets. You can buy almost anything you can imagine. Additionally, visitors can enjoy music and street performances, participate in culinary master-classes, watch horse shows, and much more.

Dijous Bo traditionally starts on Wednesday morning, but its official kick off is in the evening. The annual Mallorcan black pig competition and auction are followed by an official welcoming speech by the city mayor. Afterwards, an open-air party with the famous Mallorcan "fire run" and loud music fills Inca.

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