Best season to travel to Argentina

Easter Food

The largest and most revered religious holiday in Argentina is also a great occasion to try local seasonal treats

Best time: March 31–April 2, 2024

Easter Food
Easter Food

Argentines don't share the European "obsession" with Easter eggs and sweets. You will not see Easter bunnies either. But they have their own delicious Easter treats. Traditionally they cook lovely asado or roasted lamb, bake Rosca de Pascua (Easter cake) with sprinkles, candied fruits, chocolate dragée, and cream. Also, try empanadas de vigilia, a special pastry with cheese and ham, or torta de Pascua, a pie with spinach which is prepared according to a particular recipe. An egg is broken into an almost ready pie, and then it is baked in the oven.

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Authors: Olena Basarab