Best time to visit by weather Germany



°C /°F
WeatherSeptember 16September 25

Based on historical data we estimate temperature to be between -30..-30°C with average daylight time of about hours.

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Germany weather in January

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Regardless of the city you visit, the middle of winter is the coldest and darkest period of the year in Germany, yet good enough to appreciate its landmarks and cuisine. With the average highs up to 3-5°C (34-41°F) and lows around freezing and below, the probability of snowfall is high in most places, especially in Bavaria (Munich), Alps and the Harz Mountains, and also in Berlin. The north is an exception due to the milder climate of the coastal area near the Baltic and North seas. Bremen and Hamburg expect rain rather than snow. If you visit in January, plan the itineraries in accordance with short days—January 1st sees less than eight hours of daylight. Dress in layers and make sure to pack thermal underwear, a down jacket, warm socks, scarves, gloves, and a hat.

Germany weather in February

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Another month of cold and darkness, yet less severe. The average highs increase a little reaching up to 5°C (41°F), and lows remain around freezing. The snowfalls are still frequent in the south and east. Occasional cold waves from Siberia and the North Pole may bring rather low temperatures, far below freezing. The weather is generally chilly and humid. However, the average precipitation decreases a little. One more pleasure—the days offer more daylight hours to enjoy winter sports or sightseeing. By the end of the month, the sun rises at around 7 am and sets down at 5:45 pm. Yet, it doesn't work for the northern area, where the daylight is still scarce. When packing, take thermal underwear and a down jacket. Socks, gloves, scarves, and hats will be of much use.

Germany weather in March

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
March still feels much like winter, even though the temperatures increase slowly, and the darkness starts fading away, even in the northernmost areas of the country. The later in the month you arrive, the milder weather you're likely to enjoy. The average max temperature is 9°C (48°F). The most pleasant weather is observed across the western belt exposed to the mild air masses of Atlantic. Even southern and eastern areas that usually get most snowfalls, warm up in March. However, cold spells from Siberia and the North Pole may bring chilly weather, which is especially likely for Bavaria. Don't neglect warm garments while packing, as mornings and evenings remain quite chilly. A warm coat is a must, but dressing in layers is also important so that you could easily undress in the sunny afternoon or indoors.

Germany weather in April

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
It feels like spring has set in most of Germany, especially in Frankfurt and all western belt. In the meanwhile, the last cold spells with short snowfalls and night frost are still possible in Bavaria and Munich in early April. The second half of the month is somewhat milder. The average highs reach 12-14°C (54-57°F) in the afternoon. A sudden rise of temperatures and southern winds may cause rapid snowmelt in the mountains. The best thing is the sun that appears more often this month. Naturally, the days get longer—15 daylight hours in late April. Besides, the rainfalls aren't significant. Visiting Germany in April, you may leave your winter coat at home. Keep in mind chilly mornings and evenings. Bring different items of clothing, including long- and short-sleeves, as well as a jacket, sweatshirt, and sweater to stay comfy at different temperatures.

Germany weather in May

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The month of May, especially its second half, is considered one of the best times to visit Germany. It is when the first truly warm days come to the country. The pleasant temperatures hover around upper teens, sometimes reaching the lower 20s (60-70°F). Along with the warmth, the rainfalls are more frequent now. The inland areas experience afternoon thunderstorms. In May, you can benefit from plenty of sunshine and long days, which make this month a perfect time to enjoy the outdoors. Cherry blossoms make it even more delightful. You don't have to bring a heavy coat in May, but simple sweaters and a jacket will do. A raincoat will be of use. And a pair of sunglasses too.

Germany weather in June

10.5/10 score
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Unlike winters, summers are hotter in the south, while the northern coastal area experiences cooler weather due to the sea winds. Both the North and Baltic seas have equally low temperatures, but strong winds make them suitable for sailing and kitesurfing. The cities located further from the sea, including Berlin, experience higher temperatures, but also afternoon thunderstorms. The same is to be said about the mountainous areas. German summer is not particularly sunny, with quite a lot of rainy days. Yet these days are also warm and long. If you go hiking in the mountains, expect much cooler temperatures at high elevations. The peaks are often foggy. During packing, don't forget to take your rain jacket along with light summer garments, sunglasses, and sunscreen.

Germany weather in July

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Mid-summer is the peak season in Germany. Temperatures reach their maximum hovering in the mid- to upper-20s (77-84°F) and above, and there's high humidity too. The sea winds in the north and short rain showers in inland have a nice cooling effect. The northernmost areas are slightly milder than inland, but also windier and rainier. Cooler temperatures are observed only at high altitudes—fogs and afternoon thunderstorms are frequent here, while the highest elevations may occasionally have even snowfalls. A rain jacket, sunscreen, and sunglasses will come in handy for visiting Germany at the peak of summer.

Germany weather in August

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
One of the hottest months in Germany. The average highs decrease slightly. Nevertheless, due to the great level of humidity, one feels as if it were the same or even hotter than in July. Also, August is one of the wettest months a year with plenty of rainy days in the north and afternoon thunderstorms in the inland and mountains. The temperatures drop only with higher altitudes. Harz mountains in the center-north area are cooler than the southern Alps at the equal altitude—that's owing to the higher latitude. A waterproof outer layer is a must if you choose to travel during one of the rainiest months of the year. But sunscreen and sunglasses are also not to be forgotten along with the lightweight summer clothing.

Germany weather in September

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
The first half of September offers pleasant warm weather. The rainfalls are less frequent than in summer months, but the average highs also decrease, now hovering at around 20°C (68°F). Gradually mornings and evenings get chillier and the days become shorter. Every other day brings less sunshine. So everything signifies that autumn is around the corner, and it's a perfect time to enjoy the last warm days outdoors before the cold has come. The month is appreciated for the lower chances of thunderstorms and fall foliage. If you're traveling in September, the luggage is getting a little heavier, as there's a greater need for sweaters, sweatshirts, and a jacket. But short sleeves may come in handy too.

Germany weather in October

10.5/10 score
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10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
Autumn is in full swing, and the temperatures cool down progressively. The average highs dip to 13°C (55°F) and lows—to a chilly 6°C (43°F). A little rain is possible, and the first mists too. Still, there are some good chances of enjoying crisp sunny days brightened up with fall foliage. While planning your itinerary, keep in mind the days get much shorter—by the end of October, the sunrise is at 7 am and sunset at 4:39 pm. When visiting in October, the most necessary thing is dressing in layers to be ready for both warm and chilly days. A rain jacket might come in handy too.

Germany weather in November

10.5/10 score
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average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
By mid-November, the weather gets fairly winter-like. Get ready for the cold and possibly first snow. It's particularly true for the southern and eastern regions. The average temperatures dip to just above freezing. But daytime temperatures differ depending on the region—it's a bit warmer in the western areas. The sun rarely shines, and daylight hours are fewer, particularly in the north. The dullness is beaten with the start of the Christmas season. It usually launches by the end of the month. Germany is praised for especially stunning Christmas markets. November visitors must pack warm clothes, including such winter gear as a warm coat or a down jacket, boots, gloves, and a hat. It'll be wise to dress in layers to be able to take some clothes off in the heated indoors.

Germany weather in December

10.5/10 score
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average temperatures
10 mm
6h 24m
daylight duration
One of the coldest and darkest months due to the fewest daylight hours—on December 21st, the day of the Winter Solstice, the sunset happens before 4 pm. The average temperature hovers below freezing. The south and east of the country receive the most snowfalls, while rainy weather prevails in the northern areas. The best part of the season is Christmas, which brightens up the dullness with festive markets, holiday lights, foods, and hot spirits. To make your visit cozy and comfy, make sure to pack thermal underwear, a down jacket, wool socks, gloves, a scarf, and a hat. A raincoat or umbrella will be in handy if you go to the northern areas.